Assessment based insights to help your teams flourish

TeamNav® takes your Bartell instruments to the next level. Using the power of Bartell & Bartell’s instrument technology, TeamNav captures your employee information and lets you view and analyze it across all the teams in your company. Want to know why a team is working well together so you can replicate it? TeamNav makes it easy. View DISC and Personality Vector Analysis results aggregated across your team – to reveal your team’s unique culture and increase performance.
Plus, as a Bartell client, TeamNav allows you to access all your Bartell assessments online. Generate group reports, track completions, download results for sharing and presentations, and quickly compare individuals for a position – all from one location.
Want to see results right now? No problem. TeamNav lets you generate reports on your team right when you need them. Plus, being Software-as-a-Service, all data is available online and securely stored and backed up.
Understand what makes your teams tick. Graphically see how individual personalities on your team work together to increase team performance and efficiency, and identify gaps that could be causing misalignment.
Learn more about TeamNav®