Assessment Plus
A Bartell Assessment Center Process for the Selection of Key Executives

“I’d like to see this person in action before I hire them.”
Assessment Plus™ takes the selection process to a whole new level. It is a unique and sophisticated assessment approach. When you need to know, understand, and actually see a person in action before you hire them — Assessment Plus™ provides you with the insight to make confident decisions. The comprehensiveness of the process ensures that “you know who and what you’re buying.” Assessment Plus™ is excellent for the selection of key leaders and executives.
How Our Process Works

Ideal Profile Generation
The key to selecting the best person for a position is to be clear as to what qualities are desired in a successful leader in the long-term. We begin by working with you to create an “Ideal Profile”. Often more than 100 critical job skills are identified and developed into the “Ideal Profile.” This process also helps identify critical events that will be built into the Executive Simulator™ exercises.

Written Measurement
After establishing the “Ideal Profile,” a battery of current, state-of-the-art managerial and leadership assessment instruments (typically ASAP™ Enhanced) are selected. The candidate profile that emerges is then compared to the “Ideal Profile” for closeness of fit.

The Executive Simulator
When it’s time to see a candidate in action, the Executive Simulator™ adds a powerful and realistic component to the assessment process. All simulation scenarios are custom designed to reflect the actual job setting and situations the candidate will face in the role. The candidate is given an office, telephone, conference room, assistant, and “key staff” with whom he/she must interface.

Group Assessment / Focus Interview
The group assessment is typically a multi-hour in-depth interview using specific questions, mini role plays, situations, etc., which are scored by a panel of assessors. Candidates are given an opportunity to prepare for some of the questions in advance. This “focus” interview is designed to measure how well the individual actually “performs” compared to what the candidate says he/she does in the written portion of the process. It acts to confirm (through triangulation) the instrumentation and Executive Simulator™ results.

Ideal Profile Comparison
Once this multi-component process is completed by candidates, their performance and profiles are compared to the “Ideal Profile”. The candidate that most closely fits the profile will predictably be the best choice from the finalists assessed — the closer the match, the higher the probability of success in the job.

Highly Trained, Experienced Assessors
The whole process is monitored and scored by trained assessors watching by closed-circuit television in an observation room.
Executive Simulator™ exercises and the group assessment are conducted at Bartell & Bartell, Ltd.’s Center for Executive Assessment and Development located in State College, Pennsylvania, to provide the controlled environment needed for consistency in measurement. The Executive Simulator™ experience allows you to see how candidates perform before making final hiring decisions.
Clear Answers to Your Questions
- In what areas does the candidate meet or exceed the position requirements?
- In what areas is this candidate weak?
- What is the probability that the candidate can develop these weak areas?
- How long will it take for this candidate to be most effective?
In summary, our process is not a psychological battery, a traditional “test”, or a typical interview. Instead, we measure a candidate on those areas which have been identified as necessary elements of the position. The Assessment Plus™ process eliminates hiring surprises and ensures predictable hiring decisions. It pays for itself many times over.

Have a candidate you want to “see” in action?