Instruments and Assessments

Tools to Fast Track Organizational Success


Data: The Foundation of People Intelligence

Our employee and team assessments have been developed in the most demanding of conditions – in the hands of those that use them. Created by our leading organizational doctors and refined through years of field application by our consultants, our assessments have been cited as being the best and most accurate available.

As part of our mission to help organizations harness their full organizational potential, assessments help your organization get key information about your people, teams, and work groups. Each instrument is personally interpreted and delivered by our expert consultants – allowing you to realize their full power and precision.

Some of Our Assessment Applications


Understand Your Hire

With our battery of profile instruments, you can easily get a clear picture of who a job candidate really is. Are they self-motivated? Are they team or soloist oriented? What current leadership traits do they have and where would you need to focus development? All these questions and more are answered by our instruments – allowing you the insight you need to select your next great employee.


Focus Leadership Development

Leadership isn’t predestined – it is a learnable skill that anyone can master. The trick is knowing where to start development. Our leadership tools can help you understand where you or others stand on leadership abilities, and where to focus your efforts for maximum returns.


Understand and Relieve Stressors

Stress hinders performance and creates unhealthy teams and organizations. That is why it’s critical to know how much stress your people are under, and in what areas, so any hinderances can be resolved. Our stress assessments and diagnostics can easily tell you how much stress a person or team is under. Measuring across 10 different dimensions of work stress, we can show you what areas to work on first.


Reveal Personality and Temperament

Temperaments and personalities can completely shift the dynamics of a team. Each personality type has key implications to team cohesion, and needs to be understood if the group is to be successful. Our temperament and personality profiles can help you leverage this knowledge to create smoothly functioning and high performing teams.

Learn More About Our Assessments